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NEW PROJECT AWARDED: Supporting Economic Inclusion Project and Policy Engagement in ETC, Western Balkans and Turkey

We are proud to announce the kick-off our new project “Supporting Economic Inclusion Project and Policy Engagement in ETC, Western Balkans and Turkey”. The project will be implemented by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) with the consultancy of BK Plus Europe for 36 months.

The main purpose of this assignment will be to provide technical expertise and input within the EPG Inclusion Team to further expand the Bank’s work on inclusion projects specifically across Early Transition Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Turkmenistan), Western Balkans (Serbia, Albania, BİH, Kosovo, FYROM and Montenegro) and Turkey, where the transition gap in inclusion remains large. This includes the development of vocational training, skills, youth and regional inclusion programmes across the key target groups (women, young people, people in less advanced regions). In this context, the development of new ideas based on international best practice in partnership with relevant banking teams and Resident Offices (ROs) across the region will be key.

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